
Online Talk: WOTTA WITTA?

Art writer Lizzie Lloyd and artist Kit Poul­son explore artist writ­ing through the WIT­TA (Writ­ing In / To / Through Art) research initiative

12:00 21/03/24
6-7.30pm Monday 25 March

As part of our online professional development programme, we are delighted to offer five places on Spike Island Associates’ upcoming talk WOTTA WITTA?

Join art writer Lizzie Lloyd and artist Kit Poulson to explore artist writing through the lens of WITTA (Writing In / To / Through Art), a research initiative founded at UWE Bristol.

WITTA began as a way of bringing together arts practitioners and researchers from across UWE who were interested in the crossovers between writing and art. Hence the acronym, Writing In / To / Through Art. It quickly became apparent that this title didn’t quite fit, they were exploring a wider sense of language, enactment and performance, generating new work and offering space and time for others to work with them. More information can be found at

About Lizzie Lloyd
Lizzie Lloyd is an art writer and researcher. She is a regular contributor to Art Monthly and has contributed to publications including Art Review, Journal of Contemporary Painting, Frieze, artnet and This is Tomorrow. Her writing has been commissioned by numerous galleries including Temple Bar Gallery and Studios for Venice Biennale (2022), Workplace Gallery, Field Art Projects, New Art Projects, Foreground, Hestercombe, Cubitt Residency Programme, and Exeter Phoenix, among others. Her work has been exhibited/performed at Plymouth Art Weekender, No Format Gallery, Safehouse 1, and Phoenix Space Brighton. She has been writer-in-residence at Arnolfini, Art Writers Group: Plymouth, and at the CCA Brighton, in collaboration with Katy Beinart. Lloyd is a Senior Lecturer in Fine Art and Art & Writing at UWE Bristol, and Co-editor in chief of JAWS: Journal of Arts Writing by Students (soon to be renamed as JAWS Journal of Art and Writing) and founder of WITTA (Writing In / To / Through Art).

About Kit Poulson
Kit Poulson usually describes himself as a painter although he also frequently uses sound, performance and writing. He also often works collaboratively, with film-makers, dancers, writers, musicians and other artists. He has shown nationally and internationally. Over the last few years activities include: curating a performance/text/music event at Spike Island, Bristol (Mutter Physics) which involved artists, writers, musicians and students; producing a site-specific painting and library furniture commissioned by Bristol Council and Foreground projects for Chester Park School. Kit is an active member of the WITTA project at UWE which explores words and writing in art in the broadest sense through setting up conversations and events with a range of practitioners. He has published a variety of writing, including two books commissioned by BookWorks; His latest book ‘Mutter’ emerged from a residency which also culminated in a solo show at Chelsea Space London. Recently he has exhibited at 303 projects (Lowestoft), Campbell Works (London) Sluice HQ (London), Standpoint (London) and Hauser and Wirth (Somerset).

Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. To book your place, please email

Spike Island Associates is a professional development network for artists, curators, designers, writers and producers at all stages of their careers. Members span multiple disciplines and share a common interest in collaboration, experimentation and a desire to learn new skills. Find out more here

Access to this workshop is supported through WEVAA, a three year programme that includes professional development, commissioning, and support and resources. Find out more here