
NAIM Focus Group

A Cre­ative Net­work for South-West based neu­ro­di­ver­gent artists

00:00 26/09/24
Contact Name
Colin Higginson
Are you a Neurodiverse Visual Artist living in Bristol?
Are you wondering what support there might be for you and your practice?

Who are NAIM

NAIM (Neurodiverse Art In Motion) has been set up to create a network for neurodiverse artists in Bristol and the South-West. With the support of Art in Motion, an organisation that collaborates with learning-disabled and neurodivergent artists to make artwork, NAIM will be focused on developing a network and programme to nurture and support artists and their work. NAIM has been created and is run by neurodivergent artists and producers.

In September, there will be three initial focus groups held to find out more about what the needs of neurodivergent artists are.

11/09/24 - 18:30 - 20:00 In person - Spike Island - Book your slot through Headfirst:

18/09/24 - 18:30 - 20:00 In person - Spike Island - Book your slot through Headfirst:

25/09/24 - 18:30 - 20:00 Online - Zoom - Book your slot through Headfirst:

What to expect during these focus groups

What we learn during these sessions will then help to inform the development of a brand new programme that will be set up to support neurodivergent artists, in either entering the art world or progressing their careers.

Your ideas will help to shape the development programme which is why we would love to hear from you about the ways we could support you as an artist. Please join us with your questions, frustrations and advice. Or if you don’t know what you might need next, we would love to meet you and talk about your practice! These focus groups will also act as a way to connect with other artists, find out more about what resources are already available and learn more about the work AIM has been doing.

Important information

Stimming and fidget toys welcome
Once you have booked your place on Headfirst you will receive an email with all the information you need about attending, you will be sent this prior to the date of your focus group.

If you have any access questions or general queries please contact

AIM website

Access information about Spike Island