
‘I hadn’t finished talking to you yet’ Rame Projects Residency Expression of Interest

I hadn’t fin­ished talk­ing to you yet’ — a res­i­den­cy & rov­ing event project which uses art as a vehi­cle to under­stand death, loss and grief

00:00 27/11/24
£1000 plus £750 materials
Contact Name
Lucy Elmes and Beth Emily Richards
Rame Projects is an artist-led project space on the Rame Peninsula in South-East Cornwall.
Our forthcoming 2024-2025 programme focused on project ‘I hadn’t finished talking to you yet’ - a residency and roving event project which uses art as a vehicle to understanding and feeling death, loss and grief.

Within the programme in 2025 we will give three nationally working contemporary artists a studio based residency at Rame Projects; giving the time and space to come and make work around death, loss and grief and to look at how these themes are impacting on their practice. The residency could be time to explore work at a primary stage of research and development; or to consolidate and extend work through research and development; or to look back and recap on an established body of work on the themes.

Across the 2 months in residence, each artist will work with Rame Projects to lead or programme two workshops across the course of their residency for community groups to engage with. This could look like:
workshops that are making sessions which give participants to experiment with the artists’ working processes
workshop sessions that are much more discursive in nature, around the themes the artist is exploring whilst on residency
or the residency artist may have another practitioner they would like to invite to lead workshops as part of their offer to participants.
There will also be a public end of residency sharing event.

Residency opportunities give artists the vital space to think and make in a different context; and the landscape of the local area, and secluded nature of the Rame Projects studio fosters a safe and welcoming environment to experiment with making work on such personal and sensitive topics. Rame Projects has a long history of providing studio space to emerging and mid-career artists from a mix of local and national contexts to undertake a period of residency with community workshops and a sharing event at the end. (See our impact report for more on this).

For full details please see the following google doc