Open call

Hypericum: A Code of Practice

Obsid­i­an Coast is look­ing for UK based arts work­ers to form a small work­ing group for the first year of a col­lec­tive research project.

23:59 05/07/20
Contact Name
Nella Aarne
Obsidian Coast seeks to initiate Hypericum: A Code of Practice, a curatorial and artistic development project, to generate a collectively produced and ever-evolving code of practice for feminist, anticolonial and environmentally sustainable arts organising.

We are looking for UK based arts workers (e.g. artists, curators and/or educators) to form a small working group for the first year of the project till spring 2021. The role of the working group would be to conduct research and host public workshops to bring together existing wisdom that already informs practice in specific contexts and communities within the art world and beyond, and to develop new ideas and knowledge in response to our current circumstances.

We feel that cultural organisations hold the potential to participate in reimagining the socio-political conditions under which we live, but often any tangibly counterhegemonic practice is curtailed by the reliance of organisations on predominant value systems of hetero/cissexist patriarchy, white supremacy, ableism, capitalist extraction, competition and accelerated production with maximum efficiency. Hypericum is an attempt to envision what it would mean to place care, generosity and solidarity in the crux of all arts organising, and to share these imaginings as an evolving open source code for practice.

Hypericum will be led by a maximum of 5 working group members, one of whom is Obsidian Coast co-director Nella Aarne. The working group members can participate as individuals or representatives of organisations. Obsidian Coast’s provisional suggestion is that the activities would alternate between closed working group meetings and public workshops that will be collectively devised. The level of the working group members’ commitment will be discussed and agreed together. There is a small budget for the first stage of the project over the next year and the use of the funds will be collectively outlined.

To find out more about the project or how to express your interest, please visit