Call for artists

Hatch Farm Public Art: Lead Artist

A Pub­lic Art Com­mis­sion with­in the res­i­den­tial devel­op­ment known as Hatch Farm.

12:00 17/07/23
Contact Name
Vickie Fear
Eastleigh Borough Council is inviting submissions from Artists or an Artist Collective to develop and deliver a Public Art Commission within the residential development known as Hatch Farm.

Eastleigh Borough Council is committed to supporting Public Art as a contributing factor in ‘building strong, vibrant and healthy communities’ (EBC Public Art Strategy).

Completed in 2019, the Hatch Farm development of 98 homes is now fully occupied and populated by a new community. This project aims to use the funding available to bring neighbours together through contemporary art, enlivening the open spaces within the development.

The Commission is funded from a Developer’s Contribution for Public Art, to be used for a project within Hatch Farm. A commission budget of £28,000 is available to the Appointed Artist (or Artist Collective).

The Council welcomes proposals from across the creative disciplines including interdisciplinary approaches between Artists and collaborators of their choosing.

For full information about the commission opportunity and how to apply please read the Artist’s Brief and Draft Artist’s Contract on the Council’s website.