
Freelance Programme & Finance Coordinator

Come and join us to help make Devon and Corn­wall a bet­ter place for work­ing artists!

23:59 28/08/23
64 days @ £220 per day
Contact Name
Sophie Mellor
Terms: Freelance - £14,080 (64 days across 8 months / approx 8 days per month @ £220 per day, from October 2023 to May 2024).
You must have a Unique Tax Reference (UTR) number.
You will be responsible for your own tax and national insurance.

CAMP CIC is a member-led support and professional development network for artists, arts producers, curators and arts writers living or working in Devon and Cornwall.

CAMP is seeking a freelance arts administrator/project manager to manage the day to day activity of this exciting member-led organisation. We need someone who can support the CAMP co directors as they continue to develop the organisation and deliver the programme. The coordinator will also manage the CAMP budget, maintain the website, assist with communications, fundraising and partnerships, and support the Inclusive Growth Coordinator in their role.

Working hours will average 2 days per week (October 2023 to May 2024) at a freelance rate of £220 per day. We particularly welcome applications from members of the global majority, genderqueer applicants, and applicants who identify as d/Deaf who are currently underrepresented within CAMP’s core team.

The role allows for remote working, except for occasional in-person meetings or events. Flexibility to attend online meetings outside regular office hours is expected. You will live in either Devon or Cornwall.

Click on the website link for more information and how to apply.