
Freelance Dance Facilitator

We are look­ing for a free­lance dance facilitator/​choreographer to deliv­er cocre­at­ed inter­ac­tive dance work­shops in the lead up to the Har­bour Festival

We are looking for a freelance dance facilitator/choreographer to deliver cocreated interactive dance workshops in the lead up to the Harbour Festival. This will result in a dance developed alongside participants and showcased as a piece of new work on Saturday 20th July, harnessing, celebrating and inspired by the skills of the community involved in its creation.

We invite applications from dance practitioners with experience in facilitation, choreography and working within communities/with community groups. It would also be beneficial if you work with an existing group interested in dance due to the fast-paced nature of this role. The dance itself needs to be at least one completed dance that is accessible to all kinds of dancers.