
Evaluator - Gods House Tower, Southampton

An eval­u­a­tor is required to help us to mea­sure and assess the impact and progress we are mak­ing against a NLHF project at Gods House Tow­er, Southampt

09:00 02/12/24
£6000 (plus VAT and materials)
Contact Name
Daniel Crow
In 2023/24 we launched a new business plan and secured National Lottery Heritage Fund funding to support developing our business, programme and staff across a three year period. The core objective of the new business plan (now into its second year) is to create a better balance between cultural programming and commercial activities as we aim to maintain a strong programme and increase revenue.

Since launching the business plan we have increased income from private hire bookings, wedding ceremonies and receptions alongside a live events programme; all of which is contributing to revenue generation compared to previous years. Our cultural programming is attracting a broad range of people and we aim to continue diversifying audiences with future cultural activities.

To support this work we are now looking for an evaluator to help us to measure and assess the impact and progress we are making against our National Lottery Heritage Fund approved purposes.

*Please contact for a full project brief*
Research Writing