Call for artists

English Riviera Summer Open 2023

Arti­zan Col­lec­tive’s sea­son­al sum­mer show­case gath­ers a rich tapes­try of UK visu­al arts tal­ent to show­case on the Eng­lish Riviera.

12:00 29/06/23
£30.00 if accepted to exhibit
Contact Name
Jacob Brandon
As we continue to try and secure a future for our work in Torbay, we're delighted, however belatedly, to announce the English Riviera Summer Open 2023.

If you've exhibited in our open exhibitions before you know the drill, but for newcomers our annual, seasonal opens are the biggest, and most ambitious visual arts showcases in South Devon, as we turn the walls of our highstreet gallery into a tapestry of original art from creatives all over the country.

The exhibition is selective but open to all, with our values for the showcase being:
Diversity and Variety - we take a range of traditional and contemporary practice, selecting works that result in a showcase rich in media, subject and style;

Originality and Innovation - this isn't an exhibition that just "plays it safe", we love traditional work, but equally we want to share work with audiences that they may not find anywhere else;

Quality and Talent - we select the best to create a showcase for our audience where they can guarantee they'll be taking away collectible, original work that can't be found anywhere else.

This year, your support in taking part in the exhibition will be appreciated more than ever as we've had a rollercoaster over the last 9 months whilst we've fought to keep this showcase as part of the local arts calendar.

There is one big change this year. For the first time your fee will only be payable if you are successful in having work selected for the exhibition. We'll be taking fees at the point of submission, but if we don't accept your work on this occasion we'll refund your fee in full.

As always we can't wait to see your submissions and look forward to welcoming you to the English Riviera Summer Open 2023!