Call for artists

EBC Day School 23/24

east bris­tol con­tem­po­rary are pleased to announce a third year of our alter­na­tive arts edu­ca­tion pro­gramme in Bris­tol; EBC Day School.

Day School offers participants a shared studio space alongside monthly education days with guest artists, support and advice for work and careers, and other professional development opportunities, community projects and social occasions.
Applications are now open to participate in the 2023/24 group (including bursary places), please find full details at

what do participants have access to?
-24/7 access to a shared studio space and desk space (or equivalent), space to be coordinated and set up collaboratively by participants themselves (whole studio space c.39m squared)
-monthly education days (saturday) with invited guest artist/educator (including talks, workshops, crits, 121s, discussions and other group projects). past guests have included harold offeh, kerry campbell, heather peak, bryony gillard, and conway & young.
-studio nights every other monday
-ebc organised additional workshops and projects
-opportunity to contribute peer led workshops/talks/content and to work collaboratively
-much of the school is peer led so there is a real opportunity for all voices to be heard and to help shape the content of our sessions/ideas for invited guests
-once yearly group project or exhibition opportunity
-access to ebc network and professional development opportunities
-121s with ebc Day School coordinator jack
-monthly social occasions
-shared kitchen facilities

full details