Call for artists

Eastleigh Town Centre Artist in Residence

East­leigh Bor­ough Coun­cil is invit­ing sub­mis­sions from Artists or an Artist Col­lec­tive to under­take a res­i­den­cy in East­leigh town centre.

12:00 10/06/24
Contact Name
Vickie Fear
In 2024/25 Eastleigh Borough Council plans to consult with residents and key stakeholders on town centre improvements. Alongside contracting a Town Centre Lead Consultant to manage the broader consultation, the Council is contracting an Artist in Residence to diversify its approach to community engagement and embed art within the process. A total budget of £15,000 is available to the Appointed Artist (or Artist Collective).

The residency is funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF).

The Council welcomes proposals from across the creative disciplines including interdisciplinary approaches between Artists and collaborators of their choosing.

For full information about the residency and how to apply please read the Artist’s Brief on the Council’s website.