
Designing and Running a Workshop with Graham MacLeod Johnson

Part of our series Income Gen­er­a­tion for Young and Emerg­ing Artists: Learn how to design and facil­i­tate a work­shop as an income stream

Graham Johnson will lead this online seminar session for young and emerging artists and arts workers and share:

What to consider when thinking of workshop ideas

How to tailor a workshop to an audience

How to adapt an in person workshop for online

Framing a workshop environment for participants

How to keep a workshop engaging

Ways to monetise workshops

Graham will ensure the workshop is a supportive, collaborative environment, and participants will receive a follow up email with slides and notes afterwards.

About Graham:

Graham produces VASW's online programme, with a producing background in theatre, illustration and outdoor arts. Their external practice focuses on Radical Wellbeing in the sector, challenging existing standards with workshops and consultation.