Call for artists

Day School Open Call 24/25

Day School is a year-long pro­gramme, offer­ing artists a shared stu­dio space along­side month­ly edu­ca­tion days with guest artists.

Day School Provides:
-A year-long programme designed to support individual progression and professional development.
-A small cohort of 14 (maximum) artists and practitioners with a broad range of disciplines and interests.
-24/7 access to a shared studio at St Anne’s House, Bristol, the space will be organised and set up collaboratively by the participants (whole studio space c.39m squared)
-Monthly education days (Saturday) with invited guest artist/educator (including talks, workshops, crits, 121s, discussions and other group projects).
-Past guests have included Michael Dean, Harold Offeh, Kerry Campbell, Heather Peak, Bryony Gillard, and Conway & Young.
-121s with Day School coordinators Harriet Bowman and Natasha MacVoy
-Opportunity to work collaboratively and to contribute to workshops and talks
-Annual group project or exhibition
-Day School participants are eligible to apply for New Contemporaries
-Professional development opportunities
-Regular studio practice development activities (peer-led)
-Social occasions
-Shared kitchen facilities