
Critical Friends: West Of England Visual Arts Alliance

WEVAA are look­ing for two crit­i­cal friends to hold the project to account on their goals of qual­i­ty, ambi­tion and relevance.

Find the full callout text and application form by following the link or visiting the VASW news page, including a captioned video and a word document download.

Over the next three years, the West of England Visual Arts Alliance (WEVAA) aims to transform Bristol and the West of England into a place where the visual arts can thrive, providing opportunities and support to enable diverse local artists, curators and young people to develop their careers and achieve their potential. The goal is to make the local visual arts sector more progressive, sustainable and inclusive by 2024.

WEVAA’s partners are committed to inclusivity and consider diversity a strength. The objective of the alliance is to reach diverse artists and practitioners, remove barriers and ensure that the programme is inclusive and relevant to those who WEVAA sets out to benefit, ensuring the different backgrounds and experiences that make up our communities are represented.

In order for WEVAA to succeed in its mission it is core to the programme that all voices are heard and the quality and ambition of our activity is relevant to those we wish to benefit. WEVAA therefore would like to work with ‘critical friends’ who will help ensure a range of voices are taken into account, and help us fill the gaps we cannot fill ourselves. We have a variety of lived experiences within the consortium but want to expand them so we can bring more perspectives into the development of the programme.

We envisage our ‘critical friends’ providing fair and robust, transparent feedback on WEVAA’s activities and programme in a safe space. This will allow us to enhance the programme and its already established evaluation mechanisms, in order to account for a broad range of insights from artists, creative practitioners and young people, who are the ultimate beneficiaries of this fund. We imagine our ‘critical friends’ might also benefit by participating in the WEVAA programme and this role will contribute to their own professional development.

This engagement is for 5 working days across one year for a fee of £1000 + £250 expenses.