Open call

Call for Entries: Science Photographer of the Year 2020

Enter your images of sci­ence in action and be in with a chance of hav­ing your work exhib­it­ed at Man­ches­ter Sci­ence Fes­ti­val 2021.

12:00 04/12/20
Contact Name
The Royal Photographic Society
The Science Photographer of the Year Competition celebrates the many realms of science and the powerful role that photography has played in its development.

We’re looking for images that show science in action, telling stories behind scientific exploration and application, and illustrating the many ways that science impacts our lives, and our natural world, every day.

New for 2020 is the category ‘Climate Change’ for images that address global environmental and ecological issues.

Shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at Manchester Science Festival 2021.

There are two age groups: Young Science Photographer of the Year (aged 17 and under) and Science Photographer of the Year (aged 18 and over). Prizes by Olympus to be won by Under 18’s.

Submissions are free and open to all, irrespective of scientific knowledge, photographic experience or equipment used. From a DSLR to a smartphone, all entries are welcome.

Get inspired, explore some easy activities to do at home, and find out more below:
Curating Photography