Call for artists

Call for artists: Critical Mass / / SCULPT

Crit­i­cal Mass / / SCULPT is an excit­ing new course aimed at artists whose prac­tice cen­tres around sculp­ture and/​or instal­la­tion art…

Critical Mass / / SCULPT is an exciting new course aimed at artists whose practice centres around sculpture and/or installation art, and who want to develop their creative and professional practice. Programmed and delivered to each participating artist’s requirements and ambitions, Critical Mass / / SCULPT will provide tailored critique, professional development, inspiration and new lasting networks.

Course programme:
* 10 fortnightly half-day online full group sessions
* 2 x full-day in-person meet-ups at a relevant gallery / exhibition including talk by curator and group workshop (online also available if unable to travel)
* 2 x 1-hour online one-to-one mentoring sessions per artist
* Programme content will include:
- crit sessions
- talks from fabricators
- talks by specialist curators
- artist talks
- professional development sessions

Course dates: 5 September 2023 - 27 February 2024

The full cost for the course: £680 *

Payment options are available to spread the cost in instalments across 2-6 months. There is no charge to apply.

* A discretionary discount for the course costs is available for individuals who are unemployed or from low income households. Please contact us in advance of making your application to discuss this on an individual basis.
Installation Sculpture