
Artist Residency and Commission – Water Histories

Som­er­set Art Works invites artists/​artist col­lec­tives to pro­pose an ini­tial idea to cre­ate work that responds to the spir­it of water’ in Chard.

Somerset Art Works invites artists/artist collectives to propose an initial idea to create work that responds to the ‘spirit of water’ in Chard, researching and referencing the heritage of water in the town centre. The artist is invited to focus on the wider social and physical aspects of ‘water’ creating an opportunity for the visitor to experience it in a different way. Proposals could include working in any medium, including visual arts, craft, sound, moving image, photography, live art. The artist residency and commission brief is a balance between the making of new work for public presentation and engagement with the local community through participatory activity.

For the full brief, please visit the SAW website:

Commission: £8,000

Deadline for applications: 01 March 2022