Call for artists

Art workshop/s in secondary school

A group of sci­en­tists based at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Exeter are look­ing for an artist to run an art work­shop in a local sec­ondary school

17:00 20/12/22
£900 (including VAT)
Contact Name
Becky Conners
This Artist Callout is being circulated on behalf of the Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter. Read on for more details from the team:

We are a group of scientists based in the Living Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, where we carry out research on parasites called microsporidia. These fascinating organisms infect a huge range of hosts including humans and farmed animals, causing disease and, in some cases, death. Despite their importance, these parasites are not well-known by the general public, with most people never having heard of them. We are creating an information booklet about microsporidia that we can use for outreach work – to inform the public about microsporidia and parasitism in general. We would like to hire an artist to run an art workshop in a local secondary school with the aim of producing images for this booklet.
For more details see: