
The Reset: A New Webinar Series from VASW and CVAN

This June and July, VASW and CVAN are pre­sent­ing a series of online talks and pre­sen­ta­tions, titled The Reset’.


The Reset is a combined offer of webinars as a way of supporting our national and regional networks to find ways to respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching effects on our sector. The discussions will address pressing questions on reopening our venues; adjusting to the demands of social distancing; staying in touch with our communities; advocacy work; weathering the economic impact on our professional field, and retaining our value.

Responding to the data collected via CVAN’s recent impact survey, these webinars are designed to bring the visual arts together, provide confidence, celebrate innovation and foster interconnectedness as we all move into the next phase of response and recovery.

Links to each of the webinars in these series can be found below.

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