Black and white portrait of Amanda Lynch with bandages around her head, holding a laptop with Zoom text and with Bobby the love bird
Disability Arts

Summer Online Programme

As part of our online pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment pro­gramme, VASW are work­ing with artist Aman­da Lynch on a new series for sum­mer 2024


We are delighted to be working with artist Amanda Lynch on a seminar and a series of workshops and resources which will take place over summer of 2024. The core of the programme is to provide tools for disabled/neurodivergent and chronically ill persons, and those experiencing barriers to participation in the visual arts. We’ll also be talking to organisations, artists and artworkers to find out more about the support people need and how to facilitate better resources and working conditions.

About Amanda

Amanda Lynch is a visual artist, researcher and curator, her special interests are within the Disability Arts Movement and in being an advocate for those who face barriers due to disability.

Amanda grew up on the outskirts of London and now lives in Somerset. She studied at Leicester at De Montfort University for a BA Fine Arts Degree and loved it so much that she stayed on to gain a Master’s in the Arts. Amanda trained in sculpture, using heavy large materials such as cement and plaster, before moving into working with assemblage and collage. Her practice is now research and activist-focused.

Our online professional development programme is part of WEVAA, a three year programme that includes professional development, commissioning, and support and resources. The programme aims to support different career stages and experiences for artists, producers, curators and art workers in the region. It covers a wide range of key skills from fundraising to inclusion; and includes workshops and training opportunities. Find out more here.

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Black and white portrait of Amanda Lynch with bandages around her head, holding a laptop with Zoom text and with Bobby the love bird