A vibrant, bright collage artwork consisting of complex patterns and prints.

CVAN Reflection

As the year draws to a close, CVAN high­lights a year of advance­ments in pol­i­cy and fair visu­al arts conditions


As the year draws to a close, CVAN, the Contemporary Visual Arts Network, highlights its impact on policy development, advocacy, and the championing of fair and equitable conditions within the visual arts sector.

CVAN has spent the year consolidating meaningful connections with government ministers, advocating for the visual arts at the highest levels. Most notably, a collaboration on the Creative Education Manifesto has been pivotal in influencing policy changes, particularly in championing the right to art education.

The national network is now gearing up for the next phase of the Fair and Equitable programme and its five-year partnership with the Government Art Collection. This year's exceptional selection from the Midlands is online, and in 2024, they will unveil the North East for Art X-UK.

Find out more about CVAN

A vibrant, bright collage artwork consisting of complex patterns and prints.