Contemporary Visual Arts Network celebrates milestone budget measure
The cultural sector celebrates the Chancellor’s budget announcement that the Museums and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief will now be permanent
After years of campaigning for the visual arts, the wider cultural sector is celebrating the Chancellor’s budget announcement that the Museums and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief (MGETR) will now be permanent.
Registered arts or heritage charities can claim back eligible expenditure as unrestricted funds through the Government Museums and Galleries Exhibition Tax Relief (MGETR). These claims can be used to support organisations core work, to commission and contract staff, or to develop new artistic and curatorial practices.
From 1 April 2025, the relief will be set at 40% for non-touring projects and 45% for touring projects, with any sunset clause removed.
VASW works in partnership with CVAN England and our nine regional counterpart organisations to drive policy change, campaigning and advocating for the visual arts at Government level. As part of CVAN, we work collectively to realise a stronger, more resilient visual arts sector for artists, arts organisations, and audiences. CVAN advocates for our regional arts institutions, spaces, and artists - working towards a sustainable future for all.