Rural Facets - reflection and artists edition
Artist Laura Eldret reflects on a trio of gatherings convened in partnership with More Than Ponies & VASW as part of How Can I Stay?
Rural Facets began as a trio of gatherings for artists, to network, share practice and amplify our narratives of the rural, created in response to VASW open call for artists to host in-person gatherings for other creative practitioners in rural contexts as part of their programme How can I stay?
Gatherings took place in the woodlands of the New Forest, online and at Lower Hewood Farm. Rural Facets was created and convened by myself (Laura Eldret), partnership with VASW and More Than Ponies, and co-hosted with PaC artists (James Aldridge, Gemma Gore, Alys Scott-Hawkins and Melanie Rose) in June and September 2024. The model of the Rural Facets gatherings was informed by commons, commoning and by PaC, a monthly meet-up of artists in the New Forest – together we walk, explore and create a commons of exchange and support to strengthen one another’s practice.
The trio of Rural Facets gatherings were intentionally designed to take diverse forms (online, inside, outside, geographically spread out) to broaden accessibility and have enough time between sessions to allow for participating artists who were invited to contribute to think, share their practices and navigate the expansive area of discussions of ruralities and creative practice. Thirty-nine artists participated in Rural Facets.

In the Forest …
In late June 2024 we gathered in the New Forest at Whitefield Moor car park, saying our hellos and sharing intros. Under the bright hot sun we walked following the Ober Water stream before settling beneath the trees. We paddled, sung a she-shanty, ate bread and brownies, and drank tea, before being led in exercises attuning/ listening/ bodies by Gemma and drawing with Mel.
"It had a sincere tranquility to it, which I often find hard to find as a neurodivergent person. Because of this, connection felt easy, natural, organic and unforced. I feel like I was able to take in a lot of knowledges without being over-saturated, with plenty of time and space to simply 'be' and exist amongst others"
Artist Rae Turpin on the Rural Facets artists gathering in the New Forest

Rural Facets online gathering…
We met online ten days after our first gathering. The session began with an artist presentation from James Aldridge and an introduction to Lower Hewood Farm from Alexa de Ferranti, artist and farmer. We were then joined by Michael Woods, Professor of Human Geography at Aberystwyth University, who specialises in the emergent 'global countryside' and 'politics of the rural', rural policy and rural social movements. He shared with us a presentation titled Assembling the Rural. We then went into breakout sessions for smaller group discussions on ruralities, narratives of the rural and ‘rural artist’ practices.
“... there is an argument that in order to adapt to global changes we will all have to live a semi-rural life in order to survive or at least embrace the philosophy of living with less-convenience which will ultimately slow the pace of life…the Rural Facets online session resonated with this, offering a critical analysis of what the 'rural' is and how artists respond to and operate within the confines of living and working rurally …”
Artist Melanie Rose

At the farm …
In September we had the joy of gathering at Lower Hewood Farm. The day began with Claire and Tim, who manage the land and the food production, talking to us about regenerative agriculture and soil restoration. This was followed by a packed day of everyone sharing their ‘rural’ practices, with walks, making-sessions, film screenings, performances, exhibited artworks, and tattoos! Alongside we enjoyed endless rain, food from the farm and laughter.
Rural Facets was really valuable in helping me become aware of a community of other practitioners engaging with the rural in the south west and opening up conversations around sources of support and networks in the region. The sessions were informative particularly at the farm info was shared on matters of soil, organic farming and permaculture – whilst also being a fun gathering!
Artist Eugenia Ivanissevich

Knowledge commons and an edition…
As the project evolved, the first and second gatherings took place, the artists edition was planned, an online noticeboard for the group was populated with various ideas, and a web of conversations and communications was unfolding between participating and host artists. I introduced the idea of understanding the project as an ‘experimental knowledge commons’: collectively sharing, collating and distributing our knowledges of the rural with each other and beyond, and exploring how a ‘commons’ may be a way to convene diverse communities and knowledges.
Understanding Rural Facets as a knowledge commons (Hess and Ostrom, 2011) provided a way of accounting for multiple modes of knowledge (spoken thoughts, artworks, lived experiences, creative practices, reading, writing, etc.) being shared and understood to be of equal importance and relevance. It enabled participants to feel that they might share whatever they wanted and to take out of the project what they needed.
Above is the Rural Facets edition that maps and forms part of our experimental knowledge commons we created of creative rural artist practices. Words were harvested from our conversations, shared artworks and activities. These are presented as a weaving of descriptors, solids, fragilities and possibilities of our rural facets. The edition is freely available to all under a creative commons license, and as a limited number of print versions via MTP (for the cost of P+P).

Rural Facets, 2024. Artists edition by Laura Eldret. Words co-authored by Alexa de Ferranti, Alys Scott-Hawkins, Andy Parker, Emily Hawes, Eugenia Ivanissevich, Fiona McDonald, Fran Farrar, Gemma Gore, Hannah Rose, Hector MacInnes, James Aldridge, Jenny Staff, Jessica Potter, Jinny Jehu, Kasia Garapich, Laura Eldret, Laura Hopes, Liz Clifford, Lynne Williams, Melanie Rose, Rae Turpin, Rachel McRae, Sarah Filmer, Simone Einfalt, Simon Lee-Dicker, Tamsin Loveday, Tracy Dovey, Vanessa Rolf. ©️ 2024 distributed under Creative Commons license BY-NC-SA.
With special thanks to all participating and contributing artists (both named and unnamed), Michael Woods for his thought-provoking contributions, the access and generosity of Claire, Tim and Alexa at Lower Hewood Farm, and all those at VASW who made Rural Facets possible.
Hess, Charlotte and Ostrom, Elinor, 2011. Understanding Knowledge as a Commons: From Theory to Practice, The MIT Press.