A photograph of three people standing together. Two of the people are holding cds, which say 'Sounds of Sudan'. The person on the left is a white man with grey hair, a blue t shirt and grey shirt. The person in the middle is a Black woman in a pink and yellow dress with hijab. The person on the right is a Black woman with a turquoise dress and hijab.

Bristol Refugee Artist Collective Film

A film made by Bris­tol Refugee Artist Col­lec­tive (BRAC) as part of their WEVAA R&D Fellowship.


BRAC is a group of artists from different countries, cultures and languages who share a love for creativity and the universal language of art, which everyone can enjoy and understand.

In 2024, BRAC undertook a WEVAA Research and Development fellowship, and were supported in a collective research process to establish the core aims for the group, and what is needed to ensure sustainability. This involved facilitated workshops and testing ideas and ways of working with the group.

The group made a film as part of their evaluation process, which you can view via the link below.

A photograph of three people standing together. Two of the people are holding cds, which say 'Sounds of Sudan'. The person on the left is a white man with grey hair, a blue t shirt and grey shirt. The person in the middle is a Black woman in a pink and yellow dress with hijab. The person on the right is a Black woman with a turquoise dress and hijab.

The West of England Visual Arts Alliance (WEVAA), is a partnership that aims to transform Bristol and the West of England into a place where the visual arts can thrive, providing critical opportunities and support to enable artists, curators and young people to develop their careers and achieve their potential. Find out more here.