Window gallery 15
Artist-led, Gallery

Traction Project Space

Trac­tion is an artist-led space devel­oped by artist/​curator Eri­ka Cann, sup­port­ed and housed with­in Pos­i­tive Light Projects, on Exeter’s Sid­well St.

Set in the left hand side of the building's large street-facing windows, the gallery provides a flexible space to test new ideas and present work in all formats, in a 24/7 accessible location.

The gallery's focus is to develop ideas and to provide experience and support for young and emerging artists, showcasing high quality, critically engaged, contemporary visual art to a diverse audience in Exeter city centre.

The aim is to provide opportunities to artists at the early stages of their career, not only to exhibit but to access advice and guidance on the curation, marketing and presentation of their practice. The first year’s programme will stage 5-6 exhibitions, curated by invitation or selected by open call and will include an exhibiting opportunity for a Foundation Diploma graduate from Exeter College, selected during their end of year exhibition.

This kind of targeted support is a key part of the ethos of the space, complimenting that of the wider community support ethos of Positive Light Projects.

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