Interior Bristol Pop Up Shop 2023 76
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Artist-led, Venue

Bristol Pop-Up Shop

A pop-up shop ded­i­cat­ed to sup­port­ing cre­ative small busi­ness­es based in Bris­tol and the south­west since 2018.

Bristol Pop-Up Shop is led by a collective of creative small business owners, based in Bristol. Our mission is to connect and support our local creative business community, with a Pop-Up retail space in the heart of the city.

We opened our first pop-up in 2018 inside The Galleries Shopping Centre, bringing together a show-stopping selection of high quality, locally designed and made products.

Returning each year for the 6 weeks run up to Christmas, we love to introduce new Bristol designers and makers, supporting as many local businesses as we can. We aim to keep the shop exciting and fresh for returning and new customers to the Pop-Up Shop.

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