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Com­plic­ité is a tour­ing the­atre com­pa­ny, we work across art forms, encom­pass­ing film, sound, per­for­mance, pub­lished writ­ing and dig­i­tal work

Complicité works across art forms, believing theatre, opera, film, installation, publication and participatory arts can all be sites for the collective act of imagination. Learning and engagement are central to the company’s work and its award-winning Creative Engagement programme includes professional development, work in schools and colleges and participatory projects with a range of communities. The Company is committed to responding to the climate and ecological emergency.

Complicité has a reputation spanning four decades as one of the world’s most inventive and consistently high-quality theatre companies. Founded in 1983, the Company has won over 50 major theatre awards worldwide and played in more than 40 countries.
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