The Edge & Andrew Brownsword Gallery
Art, Research, Adventure at The Edge and Andrew Brownsword Gallery, based at the University of Bath. Exhibitions, classes, performance and more.
The Edge is an arts and creativity hub informed by the context and research of the University of Bath. We encourage and nurture arts/research collaborations, providing a place where artists, audiences, researchers and academics can find new perspectives and fertile ground to showcase new thinking and ideas. Here, mechanical engineers meet sculptors interested in moving structures, architects work with artists to shed new light on the nature of play and how architecture influences it, artists bring together inventing and engineering expertise to create artworks of scientific complexity.
Our year-round programme of exhibitions, performing arts presentations, talks, art classes, family and community events, provide experiences of educational, emotional and intellectual stimulus, all based around our ethos of bringing together arts, research and adventure. Our focus is on participatory programmes and our belief is that everyone can be creative and contribute.
The state-of-the-art Edge building offers a gallery, theatres, music and art studios, plus a lively café/bar – a destination that promotes the art in science and the science in art.
Our year-round programme of exhibitions, performing arts presentations, talks, art classes, family and community events, provide experiences of educational, emotional and intellectual stimulus, all based around our ethos of bringing together arts, research and adventure. Our focus is on participatory programmes and our belief is that everyone can be creative and contribute.
The state-of-the-art Edge building offers a gallery, theatres, music and art studios, plus a lively café/bar – a destination that promotes the art in science and the science in art.