Barbican Theatre
Barbican Theatre is a dynamic charity started in 1980 with emerging artists, young people and the development of talent at the heart of all that we do
Our ambition has been to raise the standard of dance and theatre performance being produced by, with and for young people. We seek to challenge what traditional notions of theatre and dance are and liberate the imagination of young people to create fresh and exciting work that comes from new and unusual voices – voices that are often unheard.
We challenge our young people to work hard at their craft and develop creative and social skills which enhance their learning, resilience and determination to succeed in whatever career path they choose.
Why does our audience choose us?
Diversity and originality
Position as an alternative theatre offering variety and choice
Support of artists and willingness to take risks and challenge conventional theatre models
Accessibility and affordability
Accent on community, participation and inclusion
Accent on issues relevant to 21st century life
Focus on young people and emerging talent
We challenge our young people to work hard at their craft and develop creative and social skills which enhance their learning, resilience and determination to succeed in whatever career path they choose.
Why does our audience choose us?
Diversity and originality
Position as an alternative theatre offering variety and choice
Support of artists and willingness to take risks and challenge conventional theatre models
Accessibility and affordability
Accent on community, participation and inclusion
Accent on issues relevant to 21st century life
Focus on young people and emerging talent