Cornwall Community Darkroom
A Community Darkroom based near Penzance, Cornwall offering workshops and darkroom for hire.
A community darkroom offering workshops, residencies, professional development opportunities and film processing and darkroom sessions by appointment.
An accessible, diverse and creative community space for people to share and learn traditional photography skills and sustainable darkroom methods. Bringing together a passionate, supportive and inspired community of creative people in Cornwall.
Cornwall Community Darkroom is a space for all backgrounds and abilities with the aim and ethos to create a welcoming, kind, supportive, safe space to serve and connect the community, and to encourage well-being through art and creativity.
Contact Cornwall.Community.Darkroom@hotmail.com to book a workshop, hire the darkroom or arrange a visit.
An accessible, diverse and creative community space for people to share and learn traditional photography skills and sustainable darkroom methods. Bringing together a passionate, supportive and inspired community of creative people in Cornwall.
Cornwall Community Darkroom is a space for all backgrounds and abilities with the aim and ethos to create a welcoming, kind, supportive, safe space to serve and connect the community, and to encourage well-being through art and creativity.
Contact Cornwall.Community.Darkroom@hotmail.com to book a workshop, hire the darkroom or arrange a visit.