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Sector Development

Bristol School of Art

Bris­tol School of Art offers part-time, com­mu­ni­ty, foun­da­tion and degree art and design courses

The creative industries had the fastest growing rate of employment of all the sectors overseen by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport between 2011 and 2017. The Bristol School of Art inspires individuals to take bold and experimental steps to enrich their creative expression.

University Courses
We place value on research, technical skills and independent development. Support is delivered through individual tutorials and small seminar sessions with academics and technical specialists.

Creativity for Wellbeing and Work / Short/ Evening Courses
Whatever your goal, circumstances or ability, achieve your best with our short, evening and community based courses. Designed to help inspire those with a creative flair, these courses offer a diverse range of part-time courses.

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